^^; reason two why I miss my laptop - I keep forgetting things. We're currently doing a t-shirt order, to be placed after Sci-Fi on the Rock. T-shirts are 15 dollars each and available in sizes XS-XXXL. We're offering a choice of colors: Chocolate, Black, Light Pink, Sand, Natural, Ash, Maroon, Irish Green, Hunter Green, Gold, Daisy, Indigo, or Light Blue. See http://www.technosport.com/product_details.asp?PID=8&CatID=1&Dis=1 for pictures of the colors. Once we receive the shirts, there will be an e-mail sent out to notify you. They'll be at our summer showings for pick-up. If you're out of town for the summer, don't worry - we'll keep them safe until a) you can pick them up in the fall or b) you make a trip in - we can arrange pick-up with you if you let us know. Please have exact change, if possible, when you place your order - it's hard to have enough fives to change all of your 20s! Also, you must have a membership to participate in Trivia - they cost $5 and can be purchased on Friday. See you then, and sorry about having to read two e-mails! ~Gen