Hey everyone. This e-mail is directed primarily to our university-age and above members, and is not meant for the younger children on our e-mail list. PLEASE NOTE: This is not a society event, and we're not involved in the organization or running of the show, nor are we participating in any official capacity. It is quite likely that, in fact, no member of the executive will be present at or participating in the event. FMG/D Modeling, a local modeling company, has asked us to pass some information along to you guys. They're having a show on March 27th, and they're planning on having a couple of cosplay segments. To do this, they need costumes (recognizable costumes from cartoons/comics/anime), and if you're interested, also people to wear them. If any of you guys are interested, you'll need to get in contact with Jenii, who's organizing the cosplay parts of the show, at lady.kitsune@hotmail.com. Any questions can be sent to her, as we don't have much information beyond what I've just given you. The event is on facebook, at this link: http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=10150097221810571&ref=ts Also, please be aware that you will not be paid for your participation. ~Genevieve, Society President